
Chiropractic is part of who I am. Since birth I have had regular chiropractic care from many great chiropractors in Michigan. Being privileged to have parents who took me to the chiropractor for any and all health conditions, I quickly discovered the wonderful benefits of chiropractic as a lifestyle. During my teen years I realised chiropractic is invaluable not just in day to day health, but also with my sporting performance and mental clarity.

Seeing these benefits to my family inspired me to become a chiropractor. I set off on a path which has now lead me to where I am today. I started studies to get my bachelor of science and then completing my doctorate degree at the prestigious Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2010. I have been practicing as a chiropractor since.

I love seeing peoples lives changed for the better in a natural health way. Chiropractic for me is not just a health therapy, it is a life altering decision to look after your brain and spinal function.

Chiropractic is part of who I am. Since birth I have had regular chiropractic care from many grea... Read More

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Located at: 35 Lyttleton Street, East Launceston
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